Tents by Laura Pluth on Unsplash

Simple Tips for Camping in Hot Weather

Camping in hot weather can not only be very uncomfortable, but can also be very risky to one’s health. If you plan to go camping and the weather seems to be uncontrollably hot, you have to be extremely considerate towards many important aspects that can save your experience and make it more memorable. Check out these simple tips for camping in hot weather.

1. Make Shade Your Number One Priority

When the weather is hot, shade should definitely be your number one priority. Setting up your tent near some big trees is ideal. But, if your camping site does not have many trees, you should always consider bringing some umbrellas with you, or hanging a large cloth/tarp above your tents. Once the sun will not be directly beating on them, the tents will remain significantly cooler, which will make you feel more comfortable than you’d normally feel in these conditions.

Image by Todd Trapani on Lexels

2. Keep the Air Circulating

Beyond shadow, you need air – lots of air when it comes to hot weather. Bring along a battery-powered fan for each tent, so you can make sure that the air will be cool enough for you to breathe normally and avoid nausea, headaches, vomiting and similar side effects of excessive sun exposure. One of the best tips for camping in hot weather is removing your tent’s rain fly, which will allow the night breeze to successfully enter the tent and cool the air. If you have some money to spare you can also opt to buy a small tent air conditioning unit which can be pricey and require electric.

3. Bring More Water Than Necessary

When the weather is hot, you will find yourself drinking more water than usual. When the sun is beating down, even the lightest activity can lead to dehydration, which is why you should have plenty of water with you. It is important to drink water almost constantly to prevent dehydration, which can further damage your body’s delicate balance. You should also be aware of signs of dehydration like dry mouth, headache, confusion and dizziness.

take plenty water

4. Dress Properly

Dressing properly for excessive summer heat is critical to your well-being and also one of the best tips for camping in hot weather, so give up those long pants in favour of shorter ones. Choose breathable fabrics and light colours, and never forget that applying sunscreen every two or three hours will help prevent you from getting sun burnt. Wearing hats or sun visors are also recommended.

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Article by Gary Jerome Johnson: Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gary_Jerome_Johnson/1915946

As always, be safe out there 🙂